Ribbons of Light
Tel: 01782 236000

This stainless steel relief extends along the northern and southern sides of the A500 under Glebe Street Bridge. The strands are like that of threads or ribbons which will gather, knot and weave together under the bridge and then unravel again into singular strands. It is perhapsindicative of individual journeys which gather at important points and then move on again. The emblematic ‘Staffordshire Knot’ is re-interpreted.
Have your say on public art in the city...
Stoke-on-Trent City Council is creating a register of public art to help inform planning decisions, related to any future regeneration schemes – as well as seeking to understand how people currently engage with public art in Stoke-on-Trent.
The authority already has a 72-strong inventory of public art installations across the city – some of which you can view here on the Visit Stoke website – and it is looking to develop the list even further – with the help of the city’s residents/visitors.
If you are interested in taking part – please click on the following link to complete the survey:
The engagement exercise will run until Wednesday 31 January 2024.